Miracle in Atlanta
Wilford and Janet Simpson, of Florala, Alabama, write:
The book “Miracle in Atlanta” is a must read-- one that you can’t put down. Pat’s detailed and informative style of writing puts you there with him. You’ll be absolutely astonished at how the “miracle” transpires. You’ll find yourself amazed at all the many emotions you’ll experience while reading this book. The many incidences described will cause anger – then invoke tears - and then a final jubilant downright joy!We just ordered ten more copies to give away at Christmastime.
(Click on the images below to enlarge.)
This book is for more than just the Patriots. This book is for everybody, especially the church-going Christian believers who have not yet been challenged and attacked for being a Christian.
Autographed copies of MIRACLE IN ATLANTA are available for only $30.00. FREE shipping and handling. Orders of this 355 (8 1/2 x 11) page blockbuster will by shipped the next day.

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