June 2016 Musings

dollar-crashWith more and  more evidence of the Wall Street corruption appearing weekly, it is time to investigate new alternatives of monetary protection.

Are you concerned with what the monetary experts – Paul Craig Roberts, Peter Schiff, Ron Paul and most everyone else paying attention – are saying about the inevitable crash of the “dollar?” We all should be, but what can we do about it?

Ron Paul’s Final Warning: “My most dire prediction is about to come true. And there’s not much time left for you to prepare.”

Havalook and givealisten. You don’t have to be involved in the MLM side to grow with OneCoin’s increasing value. Just own some of it. It may be a financial redeemer.

I was with a former stock broker for a coupla’ hours one evening in May. He signed up for this alternative monetary system early last year. The few thousand bux he converted, combined with an effort to introduce others, has turned into $5 million. We have good reason to believe that this system is now positioned to become the worldwide banking system and reserve currency of the very near future.

businessmansuccessstairsmi600-resize-600x338It took just over a year for OneCoin to reach the billion mark in volume. (Amway took 21 years.) And no one has ever lost a dime. (Henry Ford didn’t invent the automobile, but he certainly came up with a world-changing improvement.)

Last month, the fraud of the manipulated stock and commodities markets was exposed again and finally explained. In a nutshell, J. P. Morgan (and Chase and the other biggies) use FED-created credit “dollars” to sell the XYZ market short, and when the price drops because of it, go back in and buy at the deflated price.

They’ve been doing it for decades.

For instance, in April the Shanghai Exchange announced that it no longer wanted any U. S. (paper, phony, corrupted, make-believe) “dollars” and were going to be operating with gold and silver. That was on a Tuesday, and by Wednesday afternoon in New York, the price of silver had jumped nearly three bucks to $17.80.

At precisely, 8:50 a.m. on Thursday, somebody in New York shorted the gold market with 16,500 contracts (5,000 oz. each) and 7,500 silver contracts (5,000 also). If your calculator will hold the answer, punch in 16,500 and multiply it by 5,000 and multiply it again by $1,300 (approximate price per oz.) and you will see that more than $100 billion was wrapped up in the gold contracts.

Next, do the same with silver. 7,500 contracts X 5,000 oz. equals 37,000.000 X $16 (a guess at what the short price might have been) brings us to well over another half billion.

Binaryoptions-pictureAnd guess what happened? Yup, the gold and silver markets were suppressed by a few bucks again.

Who is strong enough to do this? Certainly no individual can keep this up every month or so. (The silver price recovered in only a week due to the natural forces of supply and demand.) Not Soros, not Buffett not Gates. There can be only one source with unlimited funds: the FED, because it was the first only to ever offer “Print on Demand.” And it is with this tool that the international banksters are stealing the wealth of America.

Each incident throws a little more water into the milk, diluting it further and further until the paper currency becomes totally worthless. (The generation behind me cannot believe that I paid 5 cents in 1964 for the same Coca-Cola for which they pay a buck and a half or more today.)

The American Federal Reserve System was crooked from the day it began 102 years ago. From the beginning, it was based on a lie – proven by the written promise that its vaults would always hold 100% gold backing for all the paper currency it created, yet 40% was all it ever held, and this dwindled to 5% in the 1960s; and by the unbridled creation of credit and paper, reflects 0% today,

When China separated itself from the American “dollar” in April, it endorsed and began to accept “OneCoin” as a fair medium of exchange. Can anyone fathom the worldwide impact of this move?

See your viable alternative to the crashing monetary system here:


Times are tedious and shaky and precarious and dubious.


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