Here are a few reviews of this remarkable novel:
"Wow! What a book!!" - C.J. Campbell, who further writes:
This book is a must read for anyone that comes across it! Horror stories of corruption and incompetence in the IRS have been in the news recently and bear out what "One In A Million" is all about. Facts that were discovered have been woven into a story about an all-American family who achieved their dream only to see that dream become shattered and disillusioned when the IRS persecutes them with false accusations. Every REAL American should read this book. Although this book is labeled as "fiction" I suspect otherwise.
An enthusiastic e-mail commendation:
I'm reading One in a Million. What great book! I can't put it down. People tell me I should write a book about all the crap I know, and I say, "It's already been written." Now, I can give them the title of it.
Tell me something, how much of it is fact? What I mean is, are the references you use, such as news articles and such, real? I know some of it is, stuff about Irwin Schiff for example and others, but I find myself trying to separate the fact from the fiction. It's outstanding. I'm only half way thru. I'll be ordering some more copies for gifts to other members of the faithful, mostly my family. It is that good!
"The best!!" - D. Ray Hill, who also writes:
This book has so much information for everyone. As a young American with a family, it is very difficult to live in this country. The truths in this book have opened my eyes to the Big Picture in this country. I have literally reads hundreds of books, but this one is the one to have!
"A masterpiece!" - Sharon Lee, who continues:
Pat Shannan uses his storytelling talent to combine mystery, suspense, truth, and history into a great novel. One In A Million is a historical novel filled with suppressed truths and historical facts about the hoax of the tax system. It's a gripping story of family, courage, truth, tragedy, and violent retribution. One In A Million is much more than a crime story. It is a priceless education of our tax system and banking system. It is a compelling, convicting, and awesome story of the hypocrisy of the Internal Revenue Service. I recommend One In A Million to everyone! Courageous work from a talented writer. ONE IN A MILLION IS TRULY ONE IN A BILLION.
This book provides an insight into the inner workings of an evil intershadow government that affects our lives on a daily basis. Thank you Mr. Shannan for a wake-up call to all Americans. -Ted Gunderson, SAC(ret.) Los Angeles office of FBI
ONE IN A MILLION: An IRS Travesty, by Pat Shannan, Review by Steffan Bertsch, Oregon Attorney:
Occasionally I have been asked to review books, but, rarely do I give an unsolicited assessment of one. I am making One in a Million by Pat Shannan the exception. It's a fact-laden piece of "fiction" about the IRS gone mad, and, while this might shock some, has set up mafia-style hit squads in the CID with the Commissioner's tacit approval! While most of you know full well that "government" agencies would never do such a thing, that's exactly what this book dares to reveal. Shannan sprinkles the enjoyable, fast-paced novel with many esoteric facts, long hidden from view of the sleeping public, such as those revealed in "The Franklin Cover-Up" about our beloved George Bush being involved in an adolescent sex ring while holding the office of VICE president. Any freedom-loving American will appreciate the veiled references to modern heroes such as Richie Mack and courtroom tyrants like Jack Tanner, and will also enjoy the express bolstering of Tupper [Saussy]'s and Irwin [Schiff]'s reputations as the writer explains how freedom was lost as fiat money invaded our borders. It's a spry read that is perhaps more fantasy than actual fiction, which might just get through to some sleepers, if ever it reaches their hands. You can order this trade paper book from any store that is supplied by Ingram, which is nearly every bookstore in the nation. "One in a Million" will never sell a million, the New World Order will see to that, but it could be a mid-lister if some liberty-loving people pick it up, give it a once-through, then pass it along to one of the sheeple. Almost nobody believes the truth when he or she is told it, but by handing them a "fictional" work, some pieces of the puzzle might sift through their programmed "brains."
Rudy Davis writes:
I just finished reading a modern-day Braveheart book entitled One In A Million: An IRS Travesty by author Pat Shannan. I often tell people that they are incapable of understanding the truth because their minds simply cannot fathom how utterly evil our enemies are. Pat Shannan doesn’t suffer from that problem. Pat documents the education and enlightenment of an idealistic young man, Brock Freeman, who discovers how the world really operates. Once Brock awakens out of his slumber, he is confronted with a decision: side with truth and justice or compromise with the evil tyranny that is moving to enslave all of us.
Brock meets up with a few interesting characters throughout the story and pays a terrible price for bucking the system. Motivated by both love and vengeance, Brock was born in a time when men acted like men and dealt with the evildoers accordingly.
BTW, my favorite character was Cochise. My only critique is that the book put forth the idea that Sarah Freeman received a quick and fair trial from an honest judge because she was so provably innocent. This trial occurred after the feds illegally planted drugs in her place of abode and attempted to target her husband Brock who was away on business. I am pretty sure we all know that a more realistic portrayal in today’s society is that Sarah would not have received such a fair trial. She would have been railroaded in a corrupt court, and both the defense and prosecuting attorney, as well as the judge, would have sold Sarah down that profit-making river in the prison industrial complex. The bottom line is, THIS BOOK IS A MUST READ. You will find yourself cheering for Brock and his cohorts even if you might have made a few personal adjustments along the journey.
Rudy Davis with Christian Prison Ministries
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