9-11 Ripple Effect
What were you told happened on Sept. 11, 2001? Producers Lewis and von Kleist take the audiene on a behind-the-scenes tour of the largest attack in US history while at the same time exposing the falsehoods of the official account using live video feed and photographs shot on the morning of Sept. 11, 2001.
Pilots, military personnel, and 9-11 researchers share their professional analysis and assist in frame-by-frame digital examinations of some of the most talked-about footage ever uncovered. Why has new evidence about 9-11 been ignored by the mainstream press? Why did the 9-11 Commission conceal eyewitness testimony? Was there a bomb on the undercarriage of US Flight 175? Were the Trade Center Towers brought down using controlled demolition? Why did 7 World Trade Center collapse the morning of Sept. 11? What hit the Pentagon? Were explosives used?
Examine the data stream contained on the Flight Data Recorder for AA Flgiht 77. Has the media coverage of Sept. 11 been "fair and balanced"? What are the popular viewpoints of what happened on that day?
Featuring: Pilots Fred Fox, Glen Stanish, and Russ Wittenburg; Military Experts Gen. Albert Stubblebine, Col. George Nelson, Maj. Glen MacDonald, and Maj. Doug Rokke; 9-11 Researchers Kevin Barrett, Jim Fetzer, Phil Jayhan, Jim Marrs, and William Rodriguez.
9-11 Ripple Effect is also included in INI World Report's $99.00 Book Special Offer, or is available by itself for $20.00, payable by cash, check or money order. Shipping is included. Send your order to:
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